Stats Help
There are over 200 separate statistics that can be filtered by date. To track your game over time, it is possible to filter stats over the past few months or years.
For every round there are a number of stats covering all aspects of the round including scoring averages, driving distances, short game and putting.
Separate approach statistics are calculated for a variety of distances. For each range you can see how often you hit the green and also your chances of making par from the fairway or rough.>
Again there are separate stats for your short-game covering a variety of distances from the hole. In each case you can see how close you got to the pin and the chances of getting up and down from different lies.
As well as overall averages, putting statistics are broken down into 1, 2 and 3 putts. For each case you can see the average, minimum and maximum distances holed. The cases where you hit the green in regulation are shown separately. This is more likely to reflect your true putting ability, rather than being contaminated by your short game.
Scoring averages are broken down based upon the hole par. For each one you will see how often you made par or bogey etc.
For every club you have used, you can see the min, max and averages distances hit. Also the frequency of use is there to help you the best 14 clubs to carry.